Welcome to Meditate Montana

Greetings! Thank you for visiting my site. Meditation can take you on an inner journey of exploration while making positive changes to enhance many areas of your life. It offers the opportunity to understand and integrate a deeper sense of yourself, while becoming a happier, calmer and more inspired person.

The techniques I teach include breath work, mantra, affirmation, visualization and point of focus. These techniques are easy to learn and are effective in achieving a still mind, experiencing expansive states of higher consciousness, and experiencing the benefits that meditation has to offer. I work with beginning meditators as well those who are experienced. I hope that you will join me for a transformative journey!

Meet Felicia


Felicia worked as a neuromuscular and craniosacral therapist in Bozeman for over thirty years. Her personal meditation practice, spanning over forty years,  and passion for teaching her clients to meditate led her to become certified to teach meditation through The Ananda School of Yoga and Meditation in Nevada City, California, where numerous meditation and yoga classes and techniques have been taught since the 1970s. To learn more about Felicia’s meditation journey, please click on the “About” tab above.

The meditation techniques and adjunctive approaches to meditation she teaches are classical, sacred ancient practices brought to the US from India in 1920 by Parahamansa Yogananda. These techniques are practiced by tens of thousands of people around the world today. Many contemporary meditation practices are derived from the ancient meditation techniques that Felicia teaches.

Click on the Audio button below sample Felicia’s teaching.


What is Meditation

Meditation is a state in which your calm mind and heart are absorbed in higher conscious aspects of your inner reality.

Why Meditate

Scientific research has proven many of meditation’s physical, psychological and energetic benefits.

How to Meditate

There are several ways to sit for meditation. The most important factor is to sit comfortably so that you are not distracted.

Benefits of Meditation

Meditation can change the structure and the function of the brain and nervous system.

Classes & Workshops

Felicia teaches meditation on zoom to any location, and in-person primarily in the Gallatin and Flathead Valleys. 
She is available to teach classes, lead workshops and meditation retreats further afield in Montana as well.  Please contact Felicia to discuss details.

Private Classes

Group Lessons

Meditation Retreats & Workshops